Why Has PRP Therapy Become So Popular?

Why Has PRP Therapy Become So Popular?

Years ago, Tiger Woods used platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to help heal two knee injuries 10 weeks apart. He said that he believed PRP had helped him return to competitive play. 

From that point, people began to ask for the same treatment that celebrity athletes enjoyed to help them recover from sports injuries. As a result, PRP treatment began to revolutionize orthopedic therapy for millions of Americans. 

Our board-certified orthopedic surgeons with Alpine Orthopedics and Sports Medicine use PRP to help you heal from orthopedic complaints, including knee osteoarthritistennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, meniscus tears, and more. 

What is platelet-rich plasma, and how is it administered? 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has long been used in wound healing during surgeries. In the past 15 years, its use has expanded to orthopedic practices. PRP has helped relieve pain and aid recovery for thousands of people with orthopedic ailments. 

To obtain a PRP sample, our team draws blood from your arm. It’s put in a centrifuge — a machine that separates platelets in your blood from the plasma. 

Platelets are cells with wound-healing powers called growth factors. Your Alpine Orthopedic and Sports Medicine physician injects your blood containing masses of platelets at the site of your pain. They rush to the area, calming inflammation and promoting new, healthy cell growth. 

Why is PRP so popular? 

PRP is fast becoming a standard of orthopedic practice. Here’s why. 

All-natural treatment 

Perhaps you’ve tried medications for orthopedic pain. It’s not healthy to stay on pain relievers for long periods because of the side effects. 

PRP is completely natural because the only ingredient is your own blood. You may be able to stop taking pain medication after treatment. 

Relieves pain 

Many people say pain is reduced or eliminated with PRP treatment. 

PRP may delay or prevent a need for surgery

In some cases, PRP may relieve your pain to the point where you decide surgery isn’t necessary. PRP may provide a window of relief before surgery as well. 

Aids faster recovery 

Athletes get PRP injections to help their injuries heal faster so they can return to play. Research studies indicate PRP may reduce the time it takes to heal orthopedic injuries. While more research needs to be done, many studies point to its efficacy in healing. 

A caveat: PRP doesn’t work for everyone, but it has helped many people. 

Call Alpine Orthopedics and Sports Medicine or request an appointment through our online portal today if you have musculoskeletal pain. We have solutions for you.

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